Tamburlaine Wins Diamond and Gold at the 2024 Sakura Awards in Japan

Feb 14, 2024

Sakura Wine Award Winners Tamburlaine

Tamburlaine Organic Wines produces wines that are enjoyed in many countries across the world thanks to our wonderful wholesale partners, and one such country is Japan. This year at the 11th Sakura Japan Women’s Wine Awards announced on 14th February 2024, we were thrilled to have won 4 awards:

Diamond Trophy:

Gold Award:

This competition is the largest international wine competition held in Asia and opens many doors for our wines on the global stage.

Along with over 4000 contending wines from around the world, our wines were blind tested by a panel of all women judges, consisting of sommeliers, winemakers, wine school educators, journalists, restaurant and beverage directors, retail store buyers, importers and distributors. Award-winners are promoted to restaurants, major supermarkets, department stores, wine stores, e-commerce stores and also mail-order companies, which are still a popular form of retail activity in Japan. Out of the 30-or-so countries that take part each year, the ones with most wines entered include France, Italy, Spain, Chile, Japan themselves, USA, Australia, Portugal, South Africa, Argentina, New Zealand and Germany.

Blind Taste Tested Wines

Chaired by Yumi Tanabe, an industry-leading wine educator in Japan, this unique wine competition has grown steadily in participants year over year and provides an inclusive platform for women’s tastes and preferences to be expressed, such as increased interest in sustainably made wines, accessible wines that can be enjoyed at home as well as wines that pair well with local cuisines. Competitions such as these and the awards handed out help to activate and further promote wine culture and consumption for the Japanese market, which is valued at an estimated $10 Billion USD (and growing steadily!), and this would naturally have a ripple effect on associated countries and industries and we are excited for its expansion and continuation.

Wine Tasting Hall

Feel free to check out the links above for more details about our wines that won, or learn more about the Sakura Wine Awards here: https://www.sakuraaward.com/en/

Graphics and images are from the Sakura Award website and promotional videos.